Ep. 40 - Contemplative Coach Shannon Savage Howie
The Lost Art Of Contemplation
Today I have chat with Shannon Savage-Howie.
Shannon embodies a transformative journey of spiritual guidance and contemplative coaching, backed by an impressive 20-year career.
Her path has been marked by significant milestones: from her ordination to mastering the art of yoga teaching, from her deep dive into addiction studies to her expertise in labyrinth facilitation, storytelling for community healing, and the nuanced realms of contemplative leadership.
Her arsenal of skills is not merely academic; it's been forged and honed in the real world.
She has worked intimately with a diverse array of individuals – from addicts grappling with their inner demons to survivors of gun violence, from those wrestling with chronic illness to individuals navigating the complex waters of mental health.
Her unique gift lies in her ability to be profoundly present with each individual, creating a sanctuary where they are not just seen and heard but deeply valued and supported.
One of her most profound passions is bridging the often-intangible gap between religion and spirituality.
She opens a welcoming space for people from all belief systems, cultures, and walks of life, inviting them to explore and embrace their own authentic voices and forge a personal, meaningful connection with their soul.
Her approach isn't just about guidance; it's about empowering individuals to discover and resonate with their innermost spiritual truths.
Some topics we cover:
Are religious systems getting more open minded to spirituality?
How can we bridge the divide between religions of the world?
Are the systems of the world failing? Is this a good thing?
The disconnection betweeen the self and the body in the western world
The disconnection between western philosophy and eastern philosophy
The use of Yoga for inner healing
What is causing the rampant drug abuse epidemic
Are parents doing the best they can?
Is multiculturalism helping or hurting?
The lost art of conversation and disagreeing.
And more!
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